Since version 1.0 the GetPot parser provides a sophisticated function to handle several arithmetic and string operations. In some cases this can significantly facilitate the writing of a configuration file. The so called dollar bracket expressions constitute a very simple lisp-like language. Instead of using normal brackets, it uses dollar brackets to embrace an expression. For example
... a = ${+ 1 1} b = ${<-> Phillip Ph F} ...will result assign "2" to the variable a and "Fillip" to variable b. Dollar bracket expressions can, of course be nested and they allow conditional assignments. However, iteration, or even recursion is purposely not implemented. This is, in order to avoid possible unwanted infinite iterations/recursions caused by the writer of the configuration file6. An overview over all operators is provided in table 1. Please, note that you do not have to use any of those to write GetPot configuration files. Simply start using them when you need them.